Cropping the ears of a dog is a very controversial subject around any dinner table. Some breeders are adamant it’s in the dogs best interests or there’s nothing wrong with it but others are fundamentally opposed to ear cropping under any circumstances. We’re going to take a look at what exactly ear cropping is, why people do it and whether it’s necessary or even harmful to the dog. In particular, we’re looking at the cropping of Pitbull’s ears.
What is ear cropping?
Unfortunately, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Breeders or owners will trim the dog’s ears so that they no longer lie flat; they stand up and are usually pointy.
This elective procedure can be done by willing veterinarians. It has to be done when the dog is a puppy, usually between 7 and 12 weeks and about ⅔ of the ear is cut off. The dog will be under anesthesia, however often when ear cropping is performed the dogs aren’t given adequate pain relief.
During the surgery, the floppy part of the ear is cut away, along with the blood supply and nerve endings that are abundant in Pitbull’s ears. It is then stitched and bandaged until the ears are healed. They may need to be bandaged for weeks after surgery though, to ensure the ears stand up in the way owners want them to. Even then, there is no guarantee with this kind of surgery.
Why do people crop Pitbull’s ears?
Breeders only crop Pitbull’s ears to make them look more intimidating and threatening. It’s an aesthetic and buyers want their dogs to look a certain way.
Is there any benefit to cropping a dog’s ears?
There is no recognized benefit to cropping a dog’s ears. It is seen as an elective, aesthetic surgery with no medical benefits. Although this is the case, it is believed by many breeders and owners that it has benefits like better hearing for hunting.
Is it cruel to crop a dog’s ears?
Some people feel like if they take their dog to the vets to get their ears cropped that it’s not cruel because they’re put under general anesthesia. This is a nice sentiment, however the dog is still having a huge part of their body amputated from their body. The ears of a dog are so important to them for hearing, communication and protecting against unwanted parasites and bugs, so to take them away can cause the dog some serious problems.
Not only that, but it’s very painful for them, even after the surgery. The ears, especially of Pitbulls, are extremely vascular and hold many nerve endings so when they’re chopped off the dog can experience phantom pains for the rest of his life as well as constant ear sensitivity and pain.
Similarly, if a dog has the ear cropping surgery and the procedure doesn’t work (the ears are still floppy) then some owners have been known to try and correct this themselves, with devastating results. There’s also the usual risk of general anesthesia and infection post-surgery.
Although some people believe they’re helping their dogs to hear better or hunt better, they may actually be hindering them and causing them more pain down the road.
Is ear cropping legal?
In the United States there is no law against ear-cropping so, yes, it is legal. Each state does have its own rules that have to be followed though. In other parts of the world, this is not the case.
In the UK, for example, ear cropping is illegal under the Animal Welfare Act and any dogs that have had this illegal procedure are banned from entering the Kennel Club competition! For those countries in Europe that have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, ear cropping is prohibited.
What other breeds get their ears cropped?
There are many dogs that are prone to getting their ears cropped, including boxers, doberman pinschers, miniature pinschers, Schnauzers, boston terriers and great danes. It is interesting how it is expected of some breeds to have their ears cropped and look a certain way but if other breeds, say a beagle, had its ears cropped then a majority of people would think it was cruel and unnecessary. It appears to be the working dogs and traditional fighting dogs that usually are expected to have their ears cropped.
Why do people tape dog’s ears?
Some people believe that some dogs ears should be set and carried a certain way. They want the ears to be level with the top of the head and be carried close to the head to add width and strength to the look of the dog’s head. If a puppy has ears that don’t carry close to the head, the owner may tape them for a couple of days to retrain the cartilage to fall a certain way. Sometimes the dog’s ears may move during teething because the puppy pulls its ears back when it’s in pain and the cartilage sets that way. This is said to be a non invasive procedure.
When a dog’s ears are set like this it blocks off most entry to the ear canal which some say reduces the chance of infection because moisture is less likely to get inside, however this isn’t true. Moisture can still get in but it cannot then be dried out with the airflow so dog with ears set like this are more likely to develop an infection. You should check their ears daily and make sure they’re dry after swimming or walking in the rain.
Why are Pitbull’s tails docked?
Pitbulls are known to be used as fighting dogs too, so they may be docked to reduce the ability of the other dog to grab hold of anything. Again, there’s no medical reason for a puppy’s tail to be docked; it’s an aesthetic that some owners prefer.
Should we be cropping our Pitbull’s ears?
Ultimately, people will always have conflicting views on whether a dog’s ears should be cropped. Some will always argue that it is the choice of the owner to crop their dogs ears if they want to, whereas others will fight to make it illegal across the globe.
Personally, because it is not a medical issue and it has zero proven benefits to the dog, I would not want my dog’s ears cropped, nor would I purchase a puppy that had already had theirs cropped. It seems like a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering for the dog for no real reason or gain.
Natural ears make for a less intimidating dog and the softer edges of that look are great for a breed like the pit bull, that has such a misaligned reputation for being vicious and mean.
At the end of the day, we should probably just love those beautiful Pitbulls just how they are!
“There is no recognized benefit to cropping a dog’s ears” …..Shows me with one statement alone you did NO real research whatsoever and are writing this from an obviously biased position. I am not even going to tell you the benefits. Look them up yourself and actually learn something. Tail docking for some breeds yes is a preference and for some it should be mandatory. Again, if you did any research, you would already know why. Lastly I think you should be less worried about something minor like this and perhaps instead be writing about all the people brutally killed and maimed by these dogs. Reading stories about babies and 3 year olds being torn apart is a little more concerning to me than something trivial like this.
YOU have done no real reasearch on these animals. Pitbulls are great family dogs as well as protectors. I’ve had many in my life that got along great with cats and farm animals as well as very loving and gentle twords kids.
Also there is NO benefit to cropping a dog’s ears and is cruel. So maybe you are the one that should be doing some research.
Tail and ear cropping should be illegal and never fucking done. Fuck everyone that does this to their beloved pups.
You are an actual idiot. I hope you have help when going outside or you at least wear a helmet. Although there isn’t much to protect inside your skull. There is NO benefit. My husband is a vet of 30 yrs. He is also one of the people who started the ban of this surgery because it is cruel and pointless. It is frightening that there are people out there like you.
Humans are the problem they don’t know how to read a dogs body language. Kids are the problem because they like to pull, slap, and jump on dogs backs. They aren’t horses. Pitbulls don’t have any kind of locking mechanism their skulls look like any other dogs skull.
Why don’t you tell us then, smarty pants, because you sound like you don’t know anything or you would list some of the facts and medical reasons for docking a dogs tail. Prove it. Put your money where your mouth is .
If you have actually researched what you are clearly pulling out of your ass, you would know that pit bulls are known to be the second best tempered breed of dog in the world, right behind Labrador Retrievers. Pit bulls are a very highly recommended dog for small children and should never have been given a bad reputation from horrible, greedy dog breeders like you who want to make a profit from selling purebred litters. No dog in the world should ever be subjected to unnecessary amputation. (Spoiler: all docking and ear cropping is unnecessary!)
I agree with ears ! Tail docking CAN have health benefits sometimes , for example , my boxer grew a massive tumor in her tail at the age of 9, and we had to amputate it , and she immediately got better . BUT IN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE THAT ISNT DIRE HEALTH docking is wrong . The argument of their poop or dirt causing infections in their butt is bullshit , just wash ur dog! They should never have shit stuck to their tale or ass! I agree with you !
Amen! There have been So many testimonials from vets, usually retired, that showed,(some with graphic visuals) the benefits of cropping and the hazards of not cropping that were available in a quick web search.
Almost all are pulled or buried by the biased mantra of the people who have an agenda of forcing their biased views on Everyone else.
It is absurd and cruel. In a civilised country (so not in the USA) it is prohibited.
Why don’t you have your ears cropped and then explain what benefits you obtained from it.
As for your comment about the harm Pitbulls do, please go and do your own research on some statistics on Pitbulls along with other breeds and the shit that isn’t reported on the news before you start mouthing off about a breed you clearly know nothing about and based your opinions on random news that specifically targets the breed. I happen to have a Pitbull who lives in a house with multiple people, including my daughter. We also have 4 cats and other small animals and NEVER has my dog or any other Pit I know committed any crimes towards people or animals.
That’s like saying an entire race is bad because their skin color… You’re showing your ignorance!!!
Please stop
Thanks for the unbiased article!?
The cropping on the fighting dogs so the opponent didn’t anything easy to grab. I think IS BEYOND RUDE AND CRUEL! I had a Lab/Pit mix. She was whole and complete. She would run and the ears would rise like wings. She could do some interesting things with those ears. Her tail was wicked funny!
started on the fighting
I breed dogs and I would have got my dog ear chop but not for looks. When my dog play fight the first thing they do is grab each other ears and tail. One dog got serious and tryed to tear off the other one ear. I let them play rough all the Time because they still animals. Just if they get serious I step in.
Man, pitbulls are good looking dogs, period!
They are GREAT with your kids. They say that pits are “Devil Dogs”. Croping a dogs ears (they say) makes them look meaner. DAMN,now i can see why they have a “Bad Rap”, it’s definitely the people that raise the dogs.
I would trust my pitbull to have my back “ANY & EVERYTIME” I needed him.
Cuz, (unfortunately) people are not trusting.
Think about that one….
How many floppy ear wild dogs do you see .. wolf? Wild dog Africa? Fox? Coyote? Dingo? You IDOT we created floppy ear dogs along with the plethora of ear type infections
Both my Am Stafs had their ears cropped with no problems. The vet did excellent work! They were bandaged for 2 weeks, but were back to their loving, playful selves the very next day. They had no issues whatsoever. The PKs they were prescribed was more than adequate.
If you ever owned a dog, you would know when they are hurting or something is wrong & they are not themselves. You have no idea about phantom pains & are talking out your ass with your opinion.
Yes it is cruel and arrogant. God made these magnificent creatures. They are perfect in His eyes. Who the H*** are we to think we can improve His work?
I personally wouldn’t do it. But I get extremely outraged by the hate people have for pit bulls. I have has several and I have 4 kids. They are the kindest most gentle dogs when raised right. Any dog can be mean. It’s appalling how they are so categorized. It’s obvious that all that criticize them have never owned one. It’s sad honestly.. I love little dogs but I have had more issues with getting bit by them than any other dog.
Not only is there no benefit but it’s also cruel, how would they like it if when they were 6 or 7 weeks old someone said oh I don’t like the length of his index fingers let’s cut them off at the first knuckle because I I think he’ll look more intimidating sounds ridiculous RIGHT!!
My bullie is 4yrs old and had his ears cropped at 10weeks so happy we did it I kept them in my toolbox I take pics for all you crybabies
I have a Dogo Argentino and had his ears cropped he was not in pain whatsoever the next day when he came back from the hospital he just wanted to play showed no signs of pain whatsoever!!he also looks beautiful and it is the standard of the American kennel club for a dogo to have cropped ears
Anyone who cuts off a piece of an animal for looks should have it done to themselves. My pit is in one piece and is a beautiful dog! He plays with other dogs and pits and never has an issue with getting his ears bitten. His tail is crazy strong so you dont want to walk by when he’s wagging it. For those here that say to “look up the benifits” I just did and there are none! It is for looks and is “believed” (by people who are not educated on veterinary medicine) to help with hearing, no evidence to support this “theory”!!!! The American Veterinary Medical Association oppose cutting there ears and tails as it is unnecessary!
Calling someone else an idiot because you don’t agree with them shows your intelligence, just because one person likes the look and you don’t doesn’t make you holier than thou…and the article is very biased…I’ve had pits all my life with probably half of them having their ears cropped, and they ALL acted the same, sweet, loving and playful….grow up and stop calling people names when you disagree.
All my dogs ears were cropped I love the look…
I have a 1.5 year old American pitbull puppy. He was looking for a forever home and he found it. I have sometimes wished his ears were cut because he is a beautiful animal with a big block head. I personally like the look of very short to no ears ( Seal Head). But he is the love of my life and would never put him through anything that I would not be willing to go through myself. But I still think he would look awsome. But with my boy ZEKE it’s natural ears for the time we both have together on this earth. Just enjoy your best friend as long as you have him or her.
Sean I agree with you people take dangerous surgeries to look a certain way and put there lives at risk, the dog is not going to die because of this procedure, people are to sensitive this days
Personally I think anyone who gets a Pitbull and decides to mutilate it to make it more intimidating should have their ears and balls cut off! And any veteranarian that does this procedure should have their licence to practice pulled for life! It’s a senseless torture and it should be a criminal offense!
Bla bla bla, I bet you dog is castrated, maybe the should do the same with you, your genetics are cancer
For some people it makes the dog look good, there is nothing wrong with that, remember people all around the world have experience and dangerous surgeries to look a certain way, for example like breast implants, there is not a benefit actually it end up killing a lot of women, but people will always keep putting there lives at risk, the dog doesn’t feel anything during the surgery, obesity after he will feel a little bit of pain, is like castration, do you agree with the dog been castrated, I know in some cases is needed, some people don’t want there dogs to reproduce and is totally okay.
The people who have surgeries to alter their appearance choose to have to those surgeries because they want to look a certain way. Dogs don’t get to choose anything about that and something tells me they could care less how their ears look.
Bla bla bla, I bet you dog is castrated, maybe the should do the same with you, your genetics are cancer
This is biased and you are a bad journalist. I have an American Pit Bull Terrier and he has his ears. But saying it is only done fore the sale of looking intimidating is false. Almost all purebred English dogs have their ears cropped and it was originally so they wouldn’t get their ears shredded in boar hunts.
Like I said my pit has his ears. It’s because I got him for a man’s best friend deal not a show dog. He would be absolutely capable and is ukc registered.
I am just bothered by the fact that this looks like it was an article explaining the origins or reasons for ear cropping when it was clearly just a tirade against people that choose to do so
I have had lot’s of pit bull
and never crop tails or ears off.
I have a 11 year old red nose and a 6 year old blue nose.
I love them like my own kids.
They are ver nice dog’s and there only mean if you raise them that way.
Anyone who crops a dogs ears are stupid. Would you cut your ears off or your child’s ears? Let them flop. It’s very cruel to crop ears and it should be ruled Abuse
Pit-bulls are especially prone to hematomas. For those of you don’t know what a hematoma is it’s a broken blood vessel in the ear that creates a pocket of blood and pus. The ears are cropped to prevent this unsightly and often times painful occurrence for the dog.
It’s apparent the author of this article knows nothing about pit bulls. I have owned and bred Pitbulls for over 45 years and consider myself to be an expert on the subject. Please don’t insult the experts intelligence with your sparse research.
First of all I really don’t know who these people are leaving these comments they must really don’t know s*** about dogs all dogs in the wild have their ears up floppy eared dogs is a defect and a retardation of the canine species due to selective breeding crop ears keep ears more clean and doesn’t leave a breeding ground for bacteria like floppy ears look the s*** up before saying all those ridiculous ignorant stuff seriously cuz it just sound like a bunch of pet lovers with no information just feelings not knowledge
I have had 2 pit bull mixes with beautiful floppy ears, that were/are the most loving, affectionate, sweetest dogs I have ever had. My current dog Hope got me through cancer treatment. Neither of my pit bull type dogs ever showed any aggression around anyone or anything! I love all dogs , but after having a pit bull, I wouldn’t have any other breed! You are more likely to be bitten by a chihuahua than a pit bull. Cropping is cruel and wrong!! On any animal, unless you find a tumor on the ear and have to amputate it. The article was fine. The ignorant comments are more upsetting.
From my days of breeding Pitbulls, I had only the females cropped. Because at times the male would literally bite and chew on the females ear.
Any vet who would willingly crop or dock unless medically necessary should have their license revoked permanently. Forget aesthetics, the ears are cropped so they don’t get torn off during fighting and cost the dog owner their meal ticket.
This article is unreasearched bs. To state that some owners like the ‘asthetic’ legitimizes this cruel practice. For shame
Yes, this is cruel. But you know what else is cruel.. you said this, “Personally, because it is not a medical issue and it has zero proven benefits to the dog, I would not want my dog’s ears cropped, nor would I purchase a puppy that had already had theirs cropped. ” So basically saying, you’d leave a puppy pit in a shelter all because of it’s ears being cropped, knowing that there is almost a 100% guarantee that the pup will be killed?? Now that is definitely animal cruelty.
Y’all need to do your research on the breed it self, ear cropping or not…it kills one human every 2 weeks and 50,000 other animals (dogs, cats, livestock, horses!) per year. NO OTHER BREED DOES THIS.. ANY dog with even a percentage of pit in it is on this category. 80% of all mutilations (thousands per year) are pits or pit mixes. They have no business being in the planet, bred for ONE THING, TO KILL.
You are a fn idiot & people like you are who need to be removed from our planet. I’m sure you’ve never been in actual situations where you can see how wonderful these dogs are so it explains how you’re so blind. MEAN PEOPLE MAKE MEAN DOGS. Not the breed themselves. Do some actual research in person with this dog & not from a computer & you’ll see they’re a lot better than any precious lil ankle biter dog around. I’ve had more lil bastards like the Yorkie n chihuahua be aggressive than any pitty I’ve been in contact with. But knowing an ignorant person like you isn’t having any negative impact on this breeds life at any point is fine with me. Keep your bs to yourself since you obviously have no actual dog experience whatsoever & seemingly no human experience either. Go back to the bs bubble you live in & keep your ankle biters to yourself. Dalmatians or poodles can be meaner than pits… know a dog before you really judge it. Seriously.
You are a fn idiot & people like you are who need to be removed from our planet. I’m sure you’ve never been in actual situations where you can see how wonderful these dogs are so it explains how you’re so blind. MEAN PEOPLE MAKE MEAN DOGS. Not the breed themselves. Do some actual research in person with this dog & not from a computer & you’ll see they’re a lot better than any precious lil ankle biter dog around. I’ve had more lil bastards like the Yorkie n chihuahua be aggressive than any pitty I’ve been in contact with. But knowing an ignorant person like you isn’t having any negative impact on this breeds life at any point is fine with me. Keep your bs to yourself since you obviously have no actual dog experience whatsoever & seemingly no human experience either. Go back to the bs bubble you live in & keep your ankle biters to yourself. Dalmatians or poodles can be meaner than pits… know a dog before you really judge it. Seriously.
you’re right… they’re sweet,smart. Even if we’re having an argument at home they will step in between trying to stop us…i love my babies
I was scared of even a chiwawa until i met warrie the 15 years old red nose… she’s sweet and very smart she’s old yes but smart enough to train all puppies we bring home… all you have to do it’s introduce the animal to her…warrie never barks unless something going on. Like noise outside, forgetting something in the microwave, on the stove, and see people silhouette in the yard. Meanwhile i have my glen she could almost a chiwawa size she’s the one that barks even peoplepassing by, looks for fight with other puppies. And my boys ruger and ammo are the sweetest thing in the world ruger never leaves my side alwas wants to know what’s going with me and ammo gives advice and the vet did a great job with them cropping they ears the first time i was scared but after ruger came back and jump on food and plays like nothing happened and was well taking care of thumb up for my vet…
What a biased and uneducated article. My dog is suffering from ear infections and hematomas from the ear infections all because someone thought there were no benefits.