Chris Hemsworth is considered one of the most handsome and fit men in Hollywood, especially when he plays the character of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Just look at the reaction to the scene with his stripped nude in the trailer for the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder. However, does this Australian get in shape all naturally, or is there some steroid help? We’re going to explore how Chris Hemsworth gets his God-bod.
What is the argument that he uses steroids?
Though many people affiliated with Chris Hemsworth, including his trainer deny it, he is likely using steroids to maintain his Thor build.
Many theorize that Chris Hemsworth’s transformation into the physical presence of Thor is not entirely natural. However, his radical transformation from 2009 to 2010 leaves many fans skeptical of genuine gains in the muscle department.
Though his trainers have said Chris Hemsworth is naturally gifted in his genetics and ability to put on muscle, there is some concern about the speed in which he got in shape for 2010’s Thor.
One trainer stated that Hemsworth developed 20 to 25 pounds of muscle in only six months. Though the information is not entirely reliable, one user on Quora interested in fitness raised several salient points about the scale of transformation in Chris Hemsworth’s muscle growth for the first Thor film.
A Reddit post on r/nattyorjuice lays out the potential usage of steroids in Chris Hemsworth’s career, especially given his appearance in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder.
What kind of steroids do people think he uses?
What potential steroids might have Chris Hemsworth used for his transformation? The website More Plates, More Dates lays out that Chris Hemsworth’s physique was still naturally obtained through the filming of The Cabin in the Woods in 2009.
However, the demands for Thor likely necessitated steroids. One aspect of “Hollywood physiques” not commonly discussed is that actors achieve a trim appearance through water and nitrogen retention.
This means that Hemsworth may not have hit 20 pounds of muscle, but more likely 10 to 15, with the effects of water and nitrogen retention sculpting the body further.
As for the steroids in question? Testosterone was likely one of them in the early days of Thor. For that first film, it is theorized that Hemsworth took 400 to 600 mg of Testosterone a week in the 6-month leadup to Thor in 2010.
What did his trainer say about steroids?
A Muscle and Fitness magazine profile covered what Hemsworth’s workout routine was courtesy of his trainer for Thor.
About the use of steroids, trainer Duffy Gaver, a former Navy SEAL, said, “People see Chris and they think he was on steroids, but he didn’t touch a single substance.
It was just red meat, heavy weights and some protein powder. He crushed every single workout. He simply decided to look like Thor.”
What is his training/eating like to get in shape for Thor?
An interview with Luke Zocchi, one of Hemsworth’s trainers for successive films, had much to say on the routine of Chris Hemsworth ten years into his career with Marvel Studios.
Some fitness revelations were near daily weightlifting, starting at their most intense about three months before movie production. However, maintaining such a build can be challenging, as 12 to 14-hour shoots make it hard for Hemsworth to find time to work out during production.
Can you train and eat like that and get those results naturally?
Hemsworth has strong genetics that allows him to build and maintain muscle. Naturally, all this is in the eye of the beholder. Luke Zocchi stated that Hemsworth would eat up to 4,500 calories a day when bulking. This is similar to other major muscled stars in the film industry.
However, given the previous examples of the speed at which he bulked up, it is likely that such a schedule would be hazardous for most people. More than likely, such changes would be impossible in such a short time without steroid help.
How much muscle can you put on with steroid use? How much muscle can you put on naturally?
More Plates, More Dates brings up a fascinating point about muscle growth with steroids in that your personal development is influenced by several factors such as genetics, training, and diet.
As for natural gains, if someone wanted to match Chris Hemsworth’s work in Thor, it would take close to a year to achieve as the general upper limit on muscle gain is 4 to 7 pounds every three months. Optimistically speaking, to put on up to 25 or so pounds would take a year with a full schedule, iron-clad diet, and no steroids. It is difficult to gain more than a half-pound a week.
How prevalent is steroid use in Hollywood? Who else in Hollywood uses steroids?
Several major actors in Hollywood are known to use performance-enhancing drugs and human growth hormone to get their signature looks for the movies.
Some actors listed included on this list are Michey Rourke, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Sylvester Stallone, and Charlie Sheen have been said to be involved with PEDs or HGH to a degree.
Many of these cases are subject to rumors, but some have been quite honest about them.
Hahahaha that is just a bunch of bullshit.. you should be ashame.. the dude is a drug addict.. taking roids like its candy.. it is disgusting!!
You dont know of her life asshole
It’s sad that people use steroids and act like they don’t. Just man up and admit it!