- Accidentally overhearing someone say nice things about you.
- Laughing soo hard you don’t even make any noise.
- Songs that bring you back to great moments in your life.
- Those random good-hair days when you just feel beautiful or handsome.
- Realizing you were smiling the entire time you were talking to someone, right after you hang up the phone.
- Laughing hysterically with your friends, then pausing momentarily, looking at each other, and then laughing hysterically again.
- Sleeping right next to someone you truly love.
- A certain smell that instantly takes you back to another place or time in your life.
- When the song on the radio ends right as you pull into the driveway.
- The feeling you get when a group of friends all laugh really hard at one of your random jokes.
- That instant when the thing you didn’t understand suddenly makes complete sense.
- Seeing the person who makes your heart race, even if its just for a few seconds in the hallway.
- The kind of friend you can say “I love you” to without implying anything but a deep platonic friendship.
- Hearing a song that you haven’t heard since your childhood and realizing you still know all the words.
- When someone unexpectedly remembers your name.
- The feeling of ‘clicking’ with someone else’s personality instantly, and being able to talk about anything even if you’ve only known each other for a few hours.
- When questions on an exam give away the answers to other questions on the same exam.
- Laughing so hard you start to cry.
- Cracking up so much while you’re trying to tell a funny story that you can’t even speak, and everyone else can’t help but laugh along with you even though they haven’t got a clue what you’re laughing about.
- When nobody else uses the public restroom the entire time you’re in there.
- Sitting outside during a thunderstorm. The sound of the thunder, the flash of lightning and the smell of rain to remind you of the beauty of nature.
- Popping bubble wrap.
- That instant when the thing you didn’t understand suddenly makes complete sense.
- Seeing the person who makes your heart race, even if its just for a few seconds in the hallway.
- Making a completely random guess and getting it right.
- When you’ve found or made the perfect gift for someone and you just can’t wait to give it to them.
- Waking up, realizing it’s the weekend, and curling up for another thirty minutes of sleep.
- The “butterflies in your stomach” feeling of a new romantic relationship.
- The hilarity of an inside joke. You’ll never get it unless you were there at its inception.
- Realizing there’s nowhere else you would rather be right now.
- Realizing that we never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public.
- The “butterflies in your stomach” feeling of a new romantic relationship.
- Hearing a new song you really like and then downloading it and listening to it over and over and over.
- Kissing someone and smiling at the same time.
- The smell of the air after it rains.
- Singing every word to your favorite song at the top of your lungs.
- Waking up, realizing it’s the weekend, and curling up for another thirty minutes of sleep.
- The bittersweet feeling of finishing a really good book.
- Finding someone who has the same nerdy obsession as you.
- Watching two drops of rain roll down your window and pretending it’s a race.
- When you find out the name of a song you’ve been wanting to know forever.
- Seeing old people in love.
- That one guy or girl you can never stop thinking about.
- Finally getting to sleep in your own bed after being away for a few weeks.
- The feeling you get when you look in the mirror and actually like what you see.