A farmer needs to cross a river with a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain.
The boat can only hold the farmer and one item at a time.
If left alone, the fox will eat the chicken, and the chicken will eat the grain.
How does the farmer get everything across safely?
The farmer takes the chicken across the river first.
- Now the fox and the grain are left on the starting side.
The farmer goes back alone to the starting side.
The farmer takes the fox across the river next.
- The farmer does not leave the fox with the chicken on the far side. Instead, he brings the chicken back to the starting side.
The farmer leaves the chicken on the starting side and takes the grain across the river.
- Now the fox and the grain are on the far side, and the chicken is on the starting side.
The farmer goes back alone to the starting side.
The farmer takes the chicken across the river one last time.
- Now the chicken, the fox, and the grain are all safely across the river.