1. When you unexpectedly catch a smell that reminds you of a person or a place that you love.
2. Laying awake with someone, and being so lost in conversation that you talk for hours without even realizing it.
3. When something funny catches you off guard in just the right way, and you laugh uncontrollably.
4. A dog or cat or just a fluffy, non threatening animal coming up to you and cuddling you until you can’t breath.
5. Being close to someone you have a crush on and just nearly touching. The almost touch is a magical thing.
6. Farting away a stomach ache
7. Seeing someone happy with the gift you gave them.
8. Taking a piss after holding it for the whole car ride
9. Getting that popcorn kernel out of your teeth
10. Tingles from listening to some good music
11. Having a 3 day weekend and waking up on that Saturday realizing you still have two more days off.
12. Having a conversation with someone who’s genuinely interested in what you have to say
13. Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing you still have 5 hrs more to sleep.
14. Head massage. Even those wire “hands” you can get to do it yourself feel amazing.
15. Sleeping in a bed with clean and warm sheets straight out of the dryer.
16. That moment of clarity when your brain stops going and you’re just present, wherever you are.
17. Silence. Just go to an area with no civilization whatsoever and sit. No expectations, obligations or unnecessary needs.
18. Waking up at 3 am with massive thirst and then you take that nice, cold and godly sip of water
19. First sip of coffee when you wake up on vacation.
20. Water coming out of your ear after it’s been stuck there for a bit.
21. When you’re at someone’s house and their pet chooses your lap to sit on.
22. Taking a smooth, efficient, clean poop. Also taking a huge shit that you’ve been holding for too long.
23. Contagious laughter, to the point no one remembers what made us start laughing.
24. Love. Long ago in a relationship -I said something awkward that revealed my feelings but not directly and the response was ‘I love you too stupid, let’s go get some coffee’
25. When you find yourself genuinely looking forward to the next time you’ll see/talk to someone, then you realize you’re smiling like an idiot.
26. When you feel like someone truly sees you.
27. When you put down your judgment long enough, to let yourself be proud of the things you’ve accomplished.
28. When someone says, “I love you” for the first time, or you finally muster up the courage to say it yourself.
29. When you get together with siblings or cousins, and laugh for hours while retelling childhood stories that you all have already told 100 times.
30. Watching people enjoy the food you cooked.
Taking off your work boots in an air conditioned room after you’ve worked 10 hours in 100+ degree weather.