Lets Take a Stroll Through The Art Museum
Rembrandt – The Girl in a Picture Frame (1641)
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A Farewell to David Lynch
David Lynch is dead. And yet, saying that out loud feels almost fraudulent, like describing a cloud as dead or a dream as expired. How can someone who seemed so fundamentally unmoored from the banal mechanics of existence actually cease? David Lynch dying is like someone pulling a fire alarm in a dreamscape—it doesn’t feel real, but you can’t ignore it, either.
What Costco Teaches Us About Human Nature
Costco is like a sociological terrarium for the human condition, a giant warehouse filled with 72-roll packs of toilet paper and existential despair. If you ever wanted to see humanity unravel over rotisserie chickens and $1.50 hot dog combos, Costco is your ticket. Because somewhere between the industrial shelving and the $8 gallon of salsa, decency stops being a human expectation and starts being a casualty of bulk purchasing.
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Under The Weather
Hey everyone, I’m feeling under the weather today, so I’ll be taking a short break. I plan to return to normal posting tomorrow—thanks for your understanding!
Awesome Stuff Around The Internet
The 40 Best TV Finales of the 21st Century, Ranked – The Ringer
Beware of the Toll Road Text Scam – Shield and Fortify
What makes an album the greatest of all time? – The Pudding
How to Actually Forgive Yourself – No matter what you did, you can move past it – Self
One of the most underrated tools in the kitchen. You will never grate Parmesan or other hard cheeses any other way once you buy one. It literally liquifies garlic, so you don’t have to spend time chopping it for recipes – Amazon
How To Stop Worrying That Someone Is Mad at You, According to a Psychologist – Parade
Move Aside, Kettle Corn—Peanut Butter Popcorn Has Arrived – Life Hacker
Harvard psychologists have been studying what it takes to raise ‘good’ kids. Here are 6 tips – Upworthy
If you have trouble digesting dairy, I found this the most effective product for letting me enjoy pizza, ice cream and cheese with little or no discomfort – Amazon
7 Lifestyle Habits Can Protect You From Depression – Fatherly
How to Hit Peak Fitness After 40 – NY Times
Why Did Our Parents Treat the Dome Light Like a Weapon of Mass Destruction?
When you’re young, the car isn’t just a mode of transportation; it’s a liminal space. A place where rules are both enforced and ignored, where the sacred (your parents’ cassette collection) intersects with the profane (whatever’s rotting in the cup holder). But there’s one rule every kid who grew up in a pre-smartphone world knows by heart: never, ever touch the dome light.
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Lets Take a Stroll Through The Art Museum
René Magritte – La Reproduction interdite [Not to Be Reproduced] (1937)
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The Cool S: The Greatest Unsolved Mystery of Middle School
There’s a strange cultural artifact that unites us, a low-stakes hieroglyph that transcends generations, geographies, and even subcultures. It’s not a song or a movie or a fashion trend. It’s an S. Not just any S, though—a very specific S. You know the one. Six straight lines, two stacked triangles, and suddenly, you were Picasso with a pencil. Every middle school desk in America bore its mark, every notebook margin carried its banner. If aliens ever excavate our ruins, they might think we worshipped it. Maybe we did.
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Inside the Passport Bro Phenomenon: Why American Men Are Looking For Love Abroad
Imagine a man sitting in a café in Medellín, Colombia. He’s wearing a Patagonia fleece that he thinks makes him look rugged but actually screams “I once watched a documentary about the Appalachian Trail.” His laptop glows with spreadsheets or TikTok, depending on the hour, and he&rs [Read more…] about Inside the Passport Bro Phenomenon: Why American Men Are Looking For Love Abroad
Why Do People Hate The Lumineers?
There’s a peculiar genre of hatred reserved for bands like The Lumineers. It’s not the outright vitriol you’d reserve for a truly offensive artist, nor is it the mild indifference that greets every other bedroom pop act flooding your Discover Weekly. No, this is something more specific: a side-eye disdain that operates at the intersection of cultural fatigue and personal insecurity. And it raises a question that feels as persistent as “Ho Hey” was in 2012—why does everyone seem to hate The Lumineers?
The Missed Flirting Hints That Haunt Us All
It always happens the same way. You’re washing dishes or driving down the interstate or doing some aggressively mundane thing like organizing a sock drawer, and suddenly, it hits you like a brick to the face: They were into you. Not just friendly into you, but actually, definitely flirting with you. It’s as if the neurons in your brain had been trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube for years and finally twisted into the solution.
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