In the world of science fiction, few characters have left as indelible a mark as the tough, no-nonsense Private Vasquez in the 1986 blockbuster “Aliens.” Portrayed with gritty realism by Jenette Goldstein, Vasquez became an iconic figure, embodying strength and resilience in a male-dominated universe. But what has become of the actress who so memorably brought Vasquez to life?
He Played Kyle Reese in Terminator. See Michael Biehn Now at 66.
If James Cameron needed a male actor to play some type of law officer or military personnel in a sci-fi movie at the start of his career, his go-to was Michael Biehn. Known best for his roles as Kyle Reese in Terminator and Corporal Dwayne Hicks in Aliens, Michael Biehn has been acting since the 70s. But what has he been up to since his 80s sci-fi days? Let’s see if this huckleberry is still in his prime.
[Read more…] about He Played Kyle Reese in Terminator. See Michael Biehn Now at 66.
She Played Newt in Aliens. See Carrie Hen Now at 46
Aliens is one of the greatest movies of all time, full stop, and one of the parts that makes everything flow together is Carrie Henn’s performance as the scared, lone child survivor Newt. Henn made the character feel real as if she was a real survivor of the terrible xenomorph slaughter. So with Aliens as a strong debut, where did Henn go?
[Read more…] about She Played Newt in Aliens. See Carrie Hen Now at 46
She Played ‘Vasquez’ in Aliens. See Jenette Goldstein Now at 62.
Jenette Goldstein is a former actress known for her roles in films as Aliens, Near Dark and Terminator 2.
[Read more…] about She Played ‘Vasquez’ in Aliens. See Jenette Goldstein Now at 62.