1. It’s 2022, just text ffs. There is no reason to call. Don’t even think about facetime!
2. I did absolutely nothing this weekend and it was everything I thought it could be.
3. I need a wall around the property too…and on a hill…with a moat…and alligators in the moat
4. I set my phone on silent and go over any missed calls at my convenience or never.
5. At some point I’m just going to pretend to call and say that no one answerered the phone
6. What if you are both??
7. When furiously pushing the close button paid off!
8. The feeling after being around people all day and coming home to silence is perfection
9. I legit enjoy hanging with friends but also I don’t
10. The transition is sharp. One moment you are hanging out and enjoying your small social circle, and suddenly you have this urge to just shut down everything and just sink into your bed. We are weird people.
11. I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
12. I’m ready to leave when the idea has been made to even go.
13. This is a fact.
14. My battery never recharges further than the second to last picture. It has a small capacity.
15. One person is not better than the other. We are just built differently
16. Damnit brain, get it together!
17. I do all the work and you do all the talking. I think that’s a fair deal.
18. C’mon dude, wrap it up. I have a bed that requires my full, undivided attention.
19. Spends the rest of the time trying to think of an excuse to go home
20. Shhh, why do you have to be so loud and bring attention to us.
21. Lets not confuse introversion with social anxiety
22. Probably the most accurate description of an introvert I’ve seen.
23. I like the rain because it gives me a reason to stay inside and be a hermit, even though I would hermit inside anyways.
Introverts should start writing articles about “how to help your extrovert friend to learn to read, play solitaire games, and enjoy alone time”.
Personally, I’m just tired of extroverts talking about how they’re going to “help” me by pressuring me or tricking me into going to a party. Maybe there are people who really enjoy parties and really want to go but have some psychological problem that makes them afraid to do it. But for me and many other introverts, we don’t go to parties because they bore us. We have other things to do that we think are much more fun. You don’t see how spending time by yourself could be more fun than going to a party? Okay, fine. We have different tastes. I don’t not need your “help” to learn to enjoy parties, any more than I need someone to help me like foods that I don’t like or help me to enjoy movie genres that don’t interest me, etc.
Totally! My ex is CONVINCED I started cheating on him two months after getting with him because I stopped having fun spending HOURS on the phone or having dates with him every day. I’m like “Dude, how can you not tell that I’m just an introvert? I need time to myself, and I’ll text you a book but after ten minutes of socializing I’m literally pulling out my hair wanting to go be alone in my comfort place reading or watching TV or playing solitaire. I play Monopoly by myself so I don’t have to be around people for that long at a time and you think I’m juggling you AND somebody else when I’m stressed tf out just giving YOU enough attention to keep you content? And don’t even get me started about intimacy. My idea of comfortable cuddling is sitting side by side with our arms and/or knees touching, or sitting hand in hand silently.