For those of us who’ve felt the betrayal of a cheese slice or the deceptive allure of a creamy latte, we know the struggle is all too real. But hey, if we can’t indulge in dairy, at least we can indulge in some humor about it, right?
Dive into this collection of lactose intolerant memes that perfectly capture the highs, lows, and oh-no’s of living lactose-free.
While we can’t actually have dairy, we can at least joke about the consequences it brings us. Shared commiseration over lactose intolerance and the hilarious gastrointestinal distress it causes can make us feel a little less alone.
So to all my fellow dairy-avoiders, enjoy this roundup of memes we can relate to. May these bring some levity to our lactose-less lives and remind us we’re not the only ones frantically searching for the lactase enzyme before ice cream socials.
We’ll get through this dairy-free life together, one meme at a time.
Lactose Intolerance Memes:
And sometimes that thing is cramps and bloating…
I can’t escape it, its everywhere I go!
I feel so attacked right now

I never learn, while clinging on to the tiny sliver of hope that this meal won’t shred my guts up
It’s all fun and games till the gurgles start rumbling in your stomach
Why does my body hate me?!?
Why do you try to hurt me so, when i’m just trying to love you?
Me the other day when I had some pizza and frozen yogurt.
I’ve been in the denial stage for 10 years, I must be masochistic
Every. Single. Time.
It’s me, I’m bitches
The pleasure, the pain. This is life
In the corner passing some gas and about to blame it on the dog!
Why do they put milk in everything, even things that don’t need milk??