In the mid-80s, a unique television show captured the hearts of audiences across the globe. The show was “Small Wonder,” and the star was a young, charismatic actress named Tiffany Brissette. She played the role of a robot, a character that despite its emotionless demeanor, managed to charm viewers far and wide. But as the years passed and the show ended, Tiffany Brissette seemingly vanished from the public eye. So, what ever happened to Tiffany Brissette?
Background Info
Born in Paradise, California on December 26, 1974, Tiffany, a San Clemente High graduate, began her TV career at a remarkably young age. Growing up in San Diego, her mother introduced her to beauty pageants and talent shows at just 2 years old.
Tiffany’s early success in these competitions led to appearances in commercials for children’s foods and toys. Her acting prowess caught the attention of comedian Bob Hope, who praised her when she joined him in a special called “A Perfect Day.” By the age of eight, Tiffany had landed her first television role after years of hard work.
What did Tiffany do before ‘Small Wonder’?
Tiffany’s journey in entertainment began with a role in the mini-series “Marco Polo” and a voice role in “A Woman Called Golda.” However, it was her breakthrough in the 1983 film “Heart Like a Wheel” that brought her significant recognition.
Following that, she portrayed “Kathy” in the sitcom “Webster” for a few years, gaining valuable experience and visibility.
Small Wonder
In 1985, Tiffany’s breakthrough came with a starring role in the sitcom “Small World,” from 1985 to 1990. The show centered around Ted Lawson, a robotic engineer who created an android named Vicky to interact with his family.
The family concealed Vicky’s true identity as a robot, leading to humorous situations, especially when dealing with their nosy neighbor Harriet. The show enjoyed unexpected success, running for four years and continuing in syndication.
What Did She After ‘Small Wonder’?
Following the conclusion of “Small Wonder,” Tiffany made a series of guest appearances on various TV shows before stepping out of the limelight. Her final role was in a 1991 episode of “Parker Lewis Can’t Lose,” where she portrayed “Annie Ricker.”
Opting for a quieter life, she chose to return to high school, participate in athletics, and embrace normalcy. Tiffany earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and dedicated time to counseling troubled youth while staying active in sports, even completing a marathon.
Despite her talent, Tiffany made a personal decision to walk away from show business, preferring a private life. She has only made two public appearances since then, a 2007 “Where Are They Now” segment on Good Morning America and a 2009 interview on The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet, both discussing her post-acting life.
She pursued a psychology degree at Westmont College and worked as a counselor in San Diego. In 2002, she relocated to Boulder, Colorado, working as a nanny before pursuing a second degree as a Registered Nurse.
Where Is Tiffany Brissette Doing Now?
Tiffany Brissette has continued to maintain a low profile and remains retired from acting. It is most likely that she is still working as a Registered Nurse in Boulder, Colorado, as she had previously pursued this career path. Tiffany’s privacy remains intact, with scarce information or news regarding her current activities. She has not granted interviews in quite some time and continues to eschew public social media, preferring a life away from the spotlight.
Will Parkinson says
Yeah, lost me at the 700 Club.
Rick Dack says
Why? Does someone with a Christian faith offend you in some way? I can think 100 more things MORE offensive.
lorenzo says
A search on the Colorado RN Board reports that her licence had expired in 2013, so she’s likely doing other than a nurse.
German Lebeau says
Maybe it is not the ‘christian faith’ that offends the poster but the fact the 700 Club being co-hosted by a terrible person and his son:
examples include:
being an obvious liar (legpress)
being greedy (aforementioned lie to sell an energy drink)
being a hypocrite (owning a racehorse)
more lying (first child out of wedlock)
being a hatemonger (too numerous examples)
Just go through it all. Sure, there are things which easily qualify as opinions… but most marks him as a terrible human being in my opinion. And this is not because he deems himself christian.