Butterflies often indicate the beginning of spring and summer and are a welcomed pollinator throughout the world. While beautiful, the butterfly has one sole mission in its short life – reproduction. Below you’ll discover more about how butterflies find a partner and reproduce.
Why Bald Eagles Are Some Of The Most Romantic And Monogamous Animals
If you’ve been reading our recent posts about animal mating but found the sexual habits of hippos and snails a little disgusting or the behavior of male ducks downright disturbing, then this next article will come as a relief. Bald eagles are much more romantic in their sexual attitudes, beginning their courtships in extravagant and moving dances in the air, and then bringing up their offspring as loving and monogamous couples. They are one of the few animals whose love lives really do seem romantic and affectionate, rather than alien and terrifying.
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How Do Snails Mate?
Most snails, including the commonly known garden snail, are hermaphrodites. This means they contain both male and female reproductive organs and produce eggs and sperm. The pomatidae family is the exception, in which males and females are separate, denoted by a smaller and larger shell, respectively. Although in species that host both parts the snails are capable of self fertilization, or asexual reproduction, they will still often mate with another snail.
How Do Crocodiles Mate?
There’s just something about crocodiles. Are they immortal? Are they vestiges of the dinosaurs that once walked the earth? People are curious about these creatures who can go from chill to deadly in a second. A common question people have about crocs? How they mate. If you’re someone who’s wondered that, you’ve found the right article because we’re going to break down exactly that today. Spoiler alert: Elton John was right. Crocodile Rocking is something shocking!
How Smart Are Raccoons?
Raccoons are common in many local wildlife populations throughout the world. These crafty critters are some of the most adaptable animals, able to survive in both the wild and urban environments, as well as many different continents- a feat not seen in many species. Due to their adaptability, they are one of only a few species that have actually benefited from the exponential growth of the human race.
Doctor Ask Terminally Ill Kids What Really Matters In Life – Here Are Their Answers
Dr. Alastair McAlpine spends every day caring for children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses, working for the non-profit organization PaedsPal.
McAlpine recently decided to ask his terminally-ill patients what they enjoyed most in life and then shared their answers on Twitter.
In a tweet, he explained: “For an assignment, I asked some of my terminal pediatric palliative care patients what they had enjoyed in life, and what gave it meaning. Kids can be so wise, y’know.”
All of these children are between the ages of four and nine years old. Even though they are young, they still managed to hit the nail on the head when it comes to what makes life worth living.