"So Today My Nana Showed Me Some Of Her Favorite Websites"
“My dad doesn’t know how to zoom in on his iPhone. This is how he reads his texts and emails.”

“Mom asked why the computer was so slow. She has ELEVEN tool-bars.”
“My dad refuses to use a GPS and tapes over the car’s computer screen.”

“Mom charges her phone in a cake pan because she heard they “blow up.”
“I saw my mom’s phone and investigated. Informed her that she used the screen protector’s throwaway film instead of the actual screen protector. She literally used trash as a screen protector.”
“How my mom sets reminders on her phone.”
“My mom found a blurb in the newspaper about an app she was interested in and wanted to remember. Instead of taking a picture of it, she cut it out and taped it to the back of her phone.”
“My mom and technology.”
“My mom using a magnifying glass to see my phone better. Love her to death but she’s not the best with technology.”
“My dad used the sticker to cover up a notification on his phone he couldn’t get rid of.”
“This is how my Auntie blocks ads from her computer screen…”
When My Grandma Googles Something She Puts “Please” And “Thank You”
My Nana Asked Me To Fix Her Phone Because “The Outside Clock Is Always Showing The Wrong Time”
My Grandma Called Me Over To Fix Her Computer Because “Everything Moves Backwards”
My Girlfriend’s Grandma Thought The Ipad Was A Cutting Board
My Mom Is Only Person I Know That Can Get Ads On Her Lock Screen
My Grandma Printed Some Photos From Her Phone
I Swear Every Mom Texts Like This
Went Home To Find My Mom’s Computer Like This… She Said “I Thought I Would Get Better Internet”
You Gonna Need A Bigger Screen
My Grandma Got A New Computer And Wanted Me To “Install” The Internet